Protect personal and business assets from 1st and 3rd party creditors, including spouses and child support.

On your journey to generational wealth building, many will try to steal and or abscond with what you amassed for yourself and or your family. Most of us have either heard or seen a neighbor or a loved one go thru a divorce and in the process lose almost everything they worked all their lives to build and protect. Divorce attorneys advertising we specialize in high net worth divorces are simply looking for a LARGE pay day from your / families life savings. There are several strategies that can protect your personal and business assets from third party creditors, current and ex-spouses and evenchild support orders.

Imagine a future without worry from expensive lawsuits, divorces, ex-partners, disgruntled employees and post divorce orders too cumbersome to manage. Bubble wrap your fragile assets from the reach of hungry wolves in expensive suits and black robes.

And Why You Should Make Sure You Are Asset Protected What an open question it is to ask: What is Asset Protection? Has anyone asked you that question before? If not you are like 99% of the rest of the American public who are also not asset protected. Core asset protection revolves around protecting yourself from future creditors who can sue you typically for negligence. Our definition of asset protection is different than anyone else in the country: “Asset protection is protecting your wealth from anyone or anything that can take your money.”

  • The US and State Government through income taxes
  • The US and State Government through estate taxes
  • The stock market when it declines
  • Medical expenses like the inevitable long term care expenses everyone will have in retirement
  • The US and State Government through capital gains taxes
  • Think about it, who is your number one guaranteed creditor every year? The US Government.

    When the stock market in 2000-2002 went in the tank, did you lose money? Is that more likely to happen in any given year than a lawsuit?

    When clients pay $4,500 a month to stay in a nursing home, does that expense decrease their family's wealth?

    Same question for estate taxes and capital gains taxes.

    If there were simple and legal ways for you to lower your income taxes, invest in the stock market where you could receive the gains without fear of losing principal in down markets, if you could mitigate your long term care costs, if you could defer or avoid capital gains taxes when selling an appreciated asset, wouldn't you want to know about those solutions?

    Those are just some of the topics I'll be talking about in my periodic articles. In addition to that I consider myself a “domestic” asset protection specialist and will be educating you on how to use domestic planning strategies for asset protection.

    If you have any amount of wealth, you do need asset protection. Asset protection can be simple or complicated, expensive or not with advance planning. Your eyes will be opened up to the liabilities that could cause you to lose your money to creditors and the tools to protect yourself. When you become educated on the concept of global asset protection, then you can decide what, if anything, you need to do to protect yourself and your family.

    Questionable AP Planning to Stay Away From

    Like with anything in life, you can find good and bad people to help you with your problems. There are advisors out there that you will thank every day of your life for what they've done to help you and there are others you'll wish you never heard of or worked with because of the terrible advice that was given (and the consequences of that advice or worst, the lies that were told or the fraud that was committed).

    We consider the following to be “Scam” (a fraudulent business scheme; a swindle) to define what we believe are plans you should stay away from, but for “asset protection” reasons, we thought “garbage” seemed a bit less risky.